Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1 of 10000 Light My Fire by Jose Feliciano

When I was in my adolescence, I used to go to sleep with the radio playing.  Which in present day terms, is the equivalent of going to sleep with your iPod on shuffle, except no disc jockeys spinning their smooth mix of lite rock favorites.  The station I listened to happened to rotate the same songs every couple of days so I became very familar with their catalog.  One song that constantly played on the radio just as I was drifting off, was Light My Fire by Jose Feliciano. I never really knew who Jose Feliciano was growing up. I even thought that it was James Taylor singing. It was not until much later, after much searching for a James Taylor version that I discovered it was actually Josè Feliciano. Now I'm glad it's not James Taylor.

Josè is much better guitar player as shown here.

Purple Haze Jose Feliciano / Jimi Hendrix

The smoother, less poppy version of Light My Fire always sent me off to sleepy land and that is why it is one of my favorites.

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