Friday, June 11, 2010

3 or 10000 These Eyes by The Guess Who

Oh the memories flood in.  Several times, while growing up, I have had to share a bedroom with my brother.  During these times, one particular habit of my brother has stuck with me.  He insisted on playing the radio all the night, not loudly but just at level where you knew it was still going if you woke up in the night.  To this day, I fall asleep quicker if there is some sort of noise going on in the room. This is probably why I fell asleep at a Metallica/Guns N' Roses concert, but I digress.

Every morning, like clockwork, I would wake up just before daylight and These Eyes by The Guess Who would be playing on the radio.  I knew it was about time to get out of bed when I heard that song and in a way it was a good start to the day.  While not as popular as other songs by The Guess Who, fond memories flood my mind whenever I hear it.

Many of my favorite songs come from these late night/early morning radio shows and I will go into detail about them later.